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#241468 by Badstrat
Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:41 am
All Climate Change bedtime stories should begin that way. Maybe even all the climate change propaganda spews should also begin with "Once Upon a Farce" ( Not meant to offend the greenies, I'm just reflecting on the absurdity of it all ) After all, it is a tax scam. NOT?? Well then just look at al gore and some other high profile greenies and see how many millions they have made from this farce so far at the expense of your pocketbook. When in full bloom it will devour your income at every level. And just what has changed? Nothing, Nada, Zip. Well at least they aren't charging you an exhale tax... well perhaps a hidden tax is in the making or being applied somewhere, but there is certainly not an out in the open where you will see it exhale tax..... yet. How about a flatulence tax? Oh yeah. They are already working that one out.
obama is proposing his ... latulence/ Or how about the controversial tax proposal in New Zealand ... earch_levy <---- Nothing wacko here, move along folks.... I think I just heard a reader snicker... not nice. :)

Come to think of it, maybe every evening TV news program and newspaper article should begin with "Once upon a farce"

"Climate Change"? Just follow the money trail and see where that leads you. Who is getting rich on "climate Change" scams, phony companies, and preaching the climate change religion to groups of drooling radical climate change groupies.. I sure am glad they don't include the sun in "climate Change" equations. How would we ever shut down the sun? Fortunately for us the sun couldn't have anything to do with "Climate Change". The sun only warms up stuff, well at least when it isn't putting out less heat. Then stuff cools down. :)

I think the well informed guy who wrote the story below might agree with my assertion. :) :) ... 01-degree/

Obama Plan May Change Climate Temperature 0.001 Degree

Posted 5 hours ago by Tad Cronn Filed under Climate Change, Corruption, Environment, Global Warming

What is there not to like about Emperor Obama's global warming plan, which he submitted to the United Nations on Tuesday?

It's going to directly cost hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, untold billions or trillions more in economic growth.

White House flying monkeys have already announced it's going to be put into place by a series of executive orders and agency-level rules that His Majesty will pluck out of the executive filing cabinet -- you know, the one Obama sits on?

The rules will raise the costs of oil and gasoline; reduce your freedom to travel; keep you colder in winter, hotter in summer; raise the cost and lower the accessibility of electrical power; eliminate jobs, particularly in the energy industry; and have you living like a virtual caveman.

And for all that low, low cost, you will see a potential drop of 0.001 degrees Celsius in annual warming -- a potential savings of one-tenth of a degree over a short little century.

Of course, that makes at least two very generous assumptions, the first being that the warmistas are to some extent correct in having observed one or two degrees actual average warming over the past century and that therefore the relationship between carbon dioxide and warming is valid and potentially calculable.

The second big assumption is that, despite the past 15 years of "hiatus," there actually is a global warming trend going on that will at some point resume, as opposed to the multidecadal cycle of cooling some scientists are predicting.

And realize -- this can't be stressed enough -- Obama's plan would not cool the planet one lick; it just might slow any warming by one-thousandth of a degree per year.

Even that's pretty generous, because if you crunch the numbers yourself, add up the human contribution to the total amount of CO2 produced naturally by the Earth each year and compare to the actual claims and predictions of warming by the bad-science crowd, one-thousandth to a few thousandths of a degree of warming is about what could actually be attributed to humans over the course of more than 100 years -- maybe.

All of which is to say that taxing future generations into extreme poverty and bringing a halt to human progress is totally worth it to save the Earth from having more free water for agriculture and drinking, and to keep rich people's beachfront properties above sea level.

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