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#241172 by Badstrat
Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:18 pm
WW3 ALERT — Russia to Supply Mexico with Arms to Retake Southwest U.S. if Obama Sends Weapons to Ukraine; Saudi Arabia Starts Bombing Yemen… Mainstream Media Beginning to Report…
chris 1 hour ago ... to-report/

Mort Amsel,

So tonight World War 3 just got ever so closer with a couple of developments that are big news. The first is that Saudi Arabia has now entered the Yemen Civil War on the side of the Government/ISIS bombing Houthi rebel positions. Which is big in and of itself except that this operation includes 10 other countries!!! Gulf States.

From WSJ:

“The attacks, which began at 2 a.m. local time on Thursday in Yemen, hit military aircraft at San’a’s international airport. The thud of explosions and the crack of heavy gunfire echoed across the city, residents said.

Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington, told reporters that the six Gulf countries and four other nations were participating in the military operation. The U.S. military wasn’t involved, he said.“


The implications are enormous. Who are the other 4 countries? All I know right now is that Egypt is one of them. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait are others. When World War 3 occurs in the Europe and Pacific, I guarantee the Middle East will also be a major front with Iran (Eurasian) and Saudi Arabia (Allies) being the primary leaders of the fight.

Chechnya Speaker Vows To Arm Mexico If U.S. Gives Weapons To Ukraine (Radio Free Europe)

Chechnya Threatens to Arm Mexico if US Sends Weapons to Ukraine (NewsWeek)

Chechnya Threatens to Send Weapons to Mexico If U.S. … (The Moscow Times)

Chechen politician vows to arm Mexico for reconquest of… (USA Today)
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Tags:ALERT, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, US, World War
#241173 by MikeTalbot
Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:55 pm
You all will probably not agree but the Russians have exactly the same right to arm Mexico as we do to arm Ukraine.

After the cold war we continued to ring the Russians with missiles - throwing away a wonderful opportunity to make peace at least. The Russian people had that brief moment when they actually liked us - we fixed that!

This is what you get when you throw away a constitutional republic and create a make believe democracy under a crazed pseudo-aristocracy of light weight, incompetent and greedy shitheads.

Doesn't matter now I suppose - the horse has left the barn and the war signs are lit up everywhere. I have a feeling that 2015 is not apt to be anyone's favorite year. I tent to agree with Vamp that we will see nuclear detonations this year, somewhere.

Meanwhile - back at the treason storehouse in DC - Zero and his demented sycophants of the uni-party continue to stuff this country with gang bangers and 'refugees' from the middle east. We may soon have all the war anyone could want, right here in our own back yard. God help the people in the unarmed states - not that it will be much fun anywhere.

#241175 by Badstrat
Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:20 pm
Actually the reason I posted this had little to do with "who" but more at "what" they were saying they were going to do. (Actually a vision of Armored Burros only crossed my mind as I was posting this.) These days anyone can arm anyone they wish to arm (Excluding American Citizens who actually have the right to be armed.) After all, what Marxist, Socialist, or Communist would have a problem with an armed aggressive Mexico? Who would stop such a thing, Islamabama? He's giving nuclear development assistance to those who wish to remove us from the face of the earth, so why would he care? The Mexican jesse jackons and al sharptons who almost live in the White House hate us as much as the Iranians and islamonazis hate us, and they are doing the best that they can to spread their venomous hate speech around. I have already posted some evidence of that on this forum.

This is the point I was alluding to, something that I have been quoting for years now. As I have mentioned previously, we neither had the strong racial divide needed or simply not the number of minorities needed to fight a race war in America, but this is changing.

Now we have LARAZA and some other very race baiting race hating political Mexican representatives in Washington, and they are preaching their racial hatred to their people right here in America. And they already number enough to overwhelm some southern border states. Is it going to happen? I don't know, neither do I know why it couldn't. After all, look at the leaders God has given us in his wrath, and look at what his anointed have already done to America. The future of America? I wouldn't even bet your money on the future of America.

Mat 24:7 "For nation will be raised up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; ( Ethos against Ethos = Race against Race.) and [there] will be famines and plagues and earthquakes in [various] places. "But all these [things are the] beginning of birth pains [fig., of great sufferings]. "Then they will deliver you* up to tribulation [or, affliction] and will kill you*, and you* shall be hated by all the nations on account of My name.

By the way. Deu 28:43 The alien in your midst shall go above you, higher and higher; and you shall come down, lower and lower. < --- See that happening yet?
#241181 by Vampier
Mon Mar 30, 2015 1:39 am
Excellent Post Slacker ... I have seen several postings upon the "free Internet" regarding the Mexican thing and even posted a video upon the subject a few Posts ago upon my thread.

Talbot ... I agree with you. There is a great Culling approaching and the "Culler" will not only be the Great Evil. At the present time we perhaps may distinguish ourselves as we may ....

Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter."
- Hector of Troy, Iliad XXII, Lines 304-5

But when this time is past then it will only be a question of how many of them can we make die.

Slacker ...LARAZA ... great comparison and example. It is truly tragic how the ignorant and the innocent can be manipulated and utilised without their knowledge. They can be made to do things that they would never do whilst claiming that they are not doing what they do at the same moment ... like all the polluted and poisoned populations of this dying world. The direction should be clear now to all but the most lobotomised.

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