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Topics specific to the localities of Canada.

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#196122 by One Man Band Festival Mon
Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:23 pm
The One Wo/Man Band Festival (Le Festival de Musique Solitaire) is a unique new music festival that celebrates and showcases the talents and creativity of one-man/woman band musicians and performers the likes of <b>loop artists, singer songwriters, djs, and other forms of solo performance</b>. For reasons of feasibility, creative expression, financial limitations and technological advancements in music production, artists today are finding new ways to express their output by recording, touring and performing alone! This festival aims to showcase their talents and support the one-man/woman band phenomenon!

<b>The 2nd annual One Man Band Festival is held in May 23-26, 2013</b> in many concert venues around Montreal, Canada. Whether you build all your own instrument, loop, play guitar or flute, dance on stage to canned music or tell jokes and beatbox, the only rule is that you must perform solo! Submissions are open until Feb 22nd, 2013.


Visit and follow the steps to apply as an artist!
That's it!


#222231 by tony42870
Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:42 pm
Sounds like Funtastic time, Put me on the contact list for next year. Thanks
not your grampas polkas, I do that too.

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