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#104871 by Chippy
Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:48 pm
How you guys feeling today?

#104877 by gbheil
Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:04 pm

Had another cancel date. I don't get paid but what the hell.
Go lots of stuff done about the house.
Worked out at the gym.
Could only have been better if the old lady was home or if I had a gig tonight.

Thanks for asking.

( I have been fighting the urge to go buy the most beautiful white Les Paul I saw yesterday though ... oh maaan )

#104884 by Chippy
Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:59 pm
Glad that you are prosperous enough even to deem such a worthy object as your partner Sans, Kudos to you and should you sleep with her............ :D

It's great isn't it?

I did a bit about here, Nothing much but it needed doing.
Summer comes as does festive bugs that cannot be ignored and will bite dammit.

Are you English?

sanshouheil wrote:GREAT !!

Had another cancel date. I don't get paid but what the hell.
Go lots of stuff done about the house.
Worked out at the gym.
Could only have been better if the old lady was home or if I had a gig tonight.

Thanks for asking.

( I have been fighting the urge to go buy the most beautiful white Les Paul I saw yesterday though ... oh maaan )

#104886 by gbheil
Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:03 pm

Last name, HEIL.
Not very English ... some on me mum's side though. :wink:

#104889 by Chippy
Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:08 pm
German then huh?

sanshouheil wrote:Texacan.
Last name, HEIL.
Not very English ... some on me mum's side though. :wink:

#104912 by gbheil
Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:06 am
I,m a Mutt.
Familiar with the term?
Moms side were English mostly. Bottenfields were here pre Revolutionary war. ( a great uncle fought in WWI, used to have his campaign medals )
Dads side, as the story goes Great Grandfather and an uncle put his family on a steamer. They then after deserting from the Austrian military rowed out to the shipping lanes only to be picked up by the same steamer. They came to America via New York. Then on to Texas as many German immigrants did. They adopted America and she them. They learned English and worked hard on the land.
( you may recall the picture I posted of my Great Grandfathers band)
My Fathers mother was German / Bohemian met and married my Grandfather, their children fought in the War ( WWII ). The rest as they say is history.
Side note: My Aunt years ago took a trip to Czechoslovakia.
My Grandmothers family still live in the home she was born in.

#104973 by Chippy
Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:15 pm
Wouldn't worry about it so am I :D
I think I do remember that yes, They do that a lot more in Europe, stay in one place I mean. Older people around me here however all say in excess of 50 years, most were born here. Just shows you how values change doesn't it, well may not values, perhaps needs and wants maybe?

I doubt for instance that I could live in the same place for that number of years?
Kudos Sans

sanshouheil wrote:I,m a Mutt.
Familiar with the term?
Moms side were English mostly. Bottenfields were here pre Revolutionary war. ( a great uncle fought in WWI, used to have his campaign medals )
Dads side, as the story goes Great Grandfather and an uncle put his family on a steamer. They then after deserting from the Austrian military rowed out to the shipping lanes only to be picked up by the same steamer. They came to America via New York. Then on to Texas as many German immigrants did. They adopted America and she them. They learned English and worked hard on the land.
( you may recall the picture I posted of my Great Grandfathers band)
My Fathers mother was German / Bohemian met and married my Grandfather, their children fought in the War ( WWII ). The rest as they say is history.
Side note: My Aunt years ago took a trip to Czechoslovakia.
My Grandmothers family still live in the home she was born in.

#104996 by gbheil
Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:56 pm
Perhaps it was out of necessity they remained in place.
The Bohemians and the Czechs had been slaves of the soviets since 1945.
Those of us whom live in relative freedom soon forget that.

#105037 by philbymon
Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:43 pm
Is "Montgomery" still considered British?


#105055 by Chippy
Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:54 pm
Probably :D

philbymon wrote:Is "Montgomery" still considered British?

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