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what do you think?


#95313 by gbheil
Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:42 pm
I'm a dickhead.
I hate myspace.
I'd love to listen to your work right here though.

Please ?

#95321 by RGMixProject
Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:10 pm
Ok I went, I listened, and it was good.


I have to ask

What do you want people to hear in your music.


If its just "Blues Rock instrumental"


#95356 by Fudo
Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:11 am
i can't upload it to here i'm afraid.. i only have a ps3, no PC :(

to RGM ; i'm not sure exactly what i want people to hear.. i agree that just blues rock instrumentals would be dull.. those pieces are demos really, all conceived & recorded in one or two days & while i like them as pieces they are not really "complete".. i guess basically i'd like to be reassured that they're pretty good & so if i was in a band, for instance, with a "charismatic" & talented singer i/we could really create something exciting, interesting, sexy &/or great.. you know? anyways , thanks for listening.
Last edited by Fudo on Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

#95358 by Starfish Scott
Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:21 am
big band blues live... = A- ( the change isn't doing it for me, else i like it.)

pooptashin = D (wtf is this)(get rid of the add 5th effect, it's weak)

marcus = C, albeit too basic. Red House mod with not enough mojo.

i Aim to please = B, all tunes dying for some vocal anything. This tune could be a flagship for you with right lyrical content/track.

Wow, different, but it was good...someone smells of funk.. lol

#95363 by Fudo
Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:18 am
ahh i like the change..but criticism is welcomed & appreciated.. if not liked ;)

it's 3rds & no effect.. another guitarist.. also 5ths & 3rds at the "other bit"
was meant to be a homage/parody of 80's music & theme tunes.. plus i love guitar harmonies..

not enough mojo..? :( i played my wittle heart out against a superior opponent.. i'm the guitar with wah-wah, marcus is the one without..

flagship :) cool.. that track did have vocals but they were rap-styled so i asked for a copy without the vocal track..

again thanks for listening, it's always informative to have a more musical criticism.. "regular folk" say silly things like "well done" or "that sounds nice"

#95461 by Starfish Scott
Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:50 pm
This forum is like "riding the razor"..

No one wants to see ya bleed, but they do give you the unabashed truth.
(whether you like it or not)

#102691 by Sted
Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:46 pm
Swampy blues played with some aplomb! nice mate!

#104021 by philbymon
Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:22 pm
When I saw the decription "blues / experimental / progressive" I was intrigued, to say the least.

Your stuff is interesting, but it gets too predictable to be either experimental or progressive as I go down the list of tunes.

I'm glad you removed the rap vox, but your stuff isn't really strong enough, melodically, to stand on its own. It needs vocals - strong vocals.

Your playing is perfectly okay, for what it is. It doesn't blow me away or anything. I was hoping for more progressiveness, though, & found myself disappointed when the songs became more predictable as I went along.

Keep at it. Find a good singer. Try to surprize us a bit more than the same old bluesy stuff, if this is what you're advertising that you play, cuz I'd really like some key changes, time sig changes, alternate instruments & such. It's be like Gentle Giant does the blues.

In all, I agree with the good Capt on his assessments of your work.

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