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#108112 by Mark Phillips
Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:46 pm
Hello again Ian,
I accept entirely what you say... yes it is bound to run the risk of being taken advantage of when something is offered free; and though you might enjoy a lot of what is involved in the task, there is a lot that must just be a lot of hard slog to get right.
Not so bad if you really love the music these people want to record, but if they are into something that really bores the pants off you it will be dog-city all the way!

Hard to strike a balance isn't it Ian: certainly it can get quite lonely playing and recording music entirely on your own... well I find that... must there again we do have quite specific tastes don't we, and it is not easy to just like everyone's stuff.

Cheers Ian,
#124127 by lennypops
Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:06 am
im looking for someone like you once i rally the members of my new band, looking to get them recorded for using the tracks to practice to and generally improving our sound and techniques with recording sessions and have a record of songs that we make not selling them. im still rallying members, would you be interested in us once were sorted out (which is taking a while) im in west lothian. im assuming ur telford in edinburgh or am i cuckoo lol
#131159 by Hellsbells
Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:51 am
Mannering Media wrote:I am a recording enthusiast (not a professional producer) looking for Solo/Duo singers, Songwriter/Musicians. I have a small Project recording system and can offer Pro standards of recording and mastering.

My equipment includes, 24 channel input mixing desk, full digital multi-track (10 track simultaneous recording), mixing, mastering, with many on-board and outboard effects, a selection of Pro studio mics, etc. Full midi/audio composing for notation and sequencing, everything required but in a limited space. Pre-recorded backing is also available for the vocalist.

Please note, this is not a professional recording studio, and I am a recording enthusiast (amateur) looking to collaborate with other music enthusiasts.

In all instances the finished compilation will be an (one master copy) album/CD complete with all printing/photography for inserts etc, for your promotional use and mine. I am based in Telford, Shropshire. So you should be within easy reach of this location to be considered.

I am a keen/advanced photographer and videography, so album covers and music video are also very much a possibility for those involved.

Location: Telford, United Kingdom



I would love to be able to get some of my songs recorded, I might contact you when I get back to the UK, next year, I am currently based overseas, but I will be back in the UK next Easter.

I have tried using recording sofware over the years but they never seemed to work, and I guess the only real way is to invest in the good equipment.

Sounds interesting what you are offering.


#131474 by Paul Juin
Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:18 am
Hi MM,

If you are still doing this I am really interested in what you have to offer.

To be honest I am crap at techy things I mean - really crap!!!. Everything I have done has been on garage band so far.

Everything I have recorded I have played the instruments myself and have had complete creative control. I could record a complete set of Electro for which Ii have backing tracks, or I could record a whole set of Rocky tracks or a number of more laid balladic jazz stuff including a couple or three cover.

You are serious about not charging - if I were to make anymoney then I would make sure you received due recompensence

Also interested in the photography aspects of things. People have told me that I am creatively inspired. There is a guy in Wiltshire who said he may work with me if I can produce something which shows me off to my best abilities. He wanted to charge me (what for him was a cheap rate) but to me was completely unmanageable.

I am based in Derby at the moment so Telford is not too far. You can email me on piratepaulpatyahoodotcodotuk by the way



#133196 by DaveHutchinson
Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:53 pm
Hi there I'm a songwriter from the Midlands. If you're looking for material to work on with artists please let me know!

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