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#87889 by Sygnet
Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:04 am
Hi there,

I'm rather new to the whole song/music process from creation of lyrics to the finished product and I would really appreciate some creative criticism from what another musician from this site and I have been working on as found here:

Is my voice just boring? Are the lyrics ok? Does the music work? I just don’t really want to step onto a stage for the first time in years and make the audience fall asleep or jeer us off.


Syg x

#87895 by philbymon
Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:06 pm
Your stuff is pleasant enough, but it doesn't really excite me. I don't like the bass at all. The guitar seems odd, yet it works in this context, somehow. The lyric often feels awkward & forced on these two examples. Sometimes that can work, anyway. It just seems like you're trying very hard to be too casual, if that makes sense at all, & it results in being kind of bland to me. I know there's an audience out there for this, though, because I've heard similar sounding styles.

Still, I'd like to hear something from you with some power, a strong melody line, & a good hook. Something that will pull you out of the breathy little voice & demand attention. I can hear you doing such, & eagerly await you writing & recording it.

Best of luck.

#87932 by Starfish Scott
Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:20 pm
Another one who think all we want to do is chase music to another site.


#88741 by Sygnet
Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:20 am
Hi philbymon,

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and for the comments, I really do appreciate it.

I'll have a relook at the current songs I'm penning and see how I can attack them differently. I think in part I get a little shy and self-conscious when adding power to the verses however will attempt to tend to this in at least two of the others.


#88745 by philbymon
Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:51 am
I get ya. It's way easier to get excited & loud & powerful (3 different things, btw) in front of a crowd of ppl than it is in the studio, too. One can get all too caught up in that "this is for posterity" syndrome, too. Recording is scary.

I often try to hold back a touch until I get to a chorus, myself, cuz that's more often where the hooks are, & I do so like a good powerful left hook.

Good luck. I & others will be here to help if you need it in the future.

#88845 by HowlinJ
Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:27 am
"Did you See" is an excellent piece of songwriting in my opinion. The guitar rhythm is a kind of shuffle beat, but quite non- bluesy. Vocals are pleasant. The whole thing could be recorded better, but its still very listenable, none the less.

Your Natalie Merchant influence shines through on the second song. That one sorta went through my head with out doing much. All in all, you have a nice voice , capable playing ability, and a creative approach to songwriting. I agree with Phil that the bass in these arrangements is redundant.

You are fully capable of standing alone as a good single.

good job

#88879 by Chippy
Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:52 pm
You could try the forums on MySpace too Sygnet.
I'll have a look then drop you a line via MySpace.


#90142 by Ice104
Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:38 am
This is good! Don't be put off by people that say it doesn't really excite them or its too mellow or anything like that.....

Take coldplay for example. Personally i think they're boring but look how well they are doing! Well doe and keep up the good work! :P

#93158 by tasc
Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:39 pm
Sygnet, I thought that your recordings and music were very good. There are only one or two points on the technical side to be addressed but they are due to the recording utilities used, and not your artistry.

Please contact me or, otherwise, I will be in touch with you in the new year.

Kind Regards,

Dr. David M. Bennett
Technical Director
The Atlantic Spirit Corporation Ltd
#97650 by Sygnet
Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:58 am
Hope you are all doing well and had a marvellous Christmas and brilliant New Year!

Apologies for not replying sooner as I do appreciate the feedback! The run up to Christmas was crazy at work and then I got hit with Swine Flu (aka influenza A H1N1).. which I wouldn't wish upon anyone!

I can only just manage to pick up a guitar again and sing now, that bug really makes you weak and even listening to music was painful.

philbymon - Recording is scary indeed and I am so going to take on you're suggestions of working the crowd with the chorus!

HowlinJ - 'Did you see' was the first song Nigel and I recorded together, we're using cubase to produce and meddle with the music.. could you suggest a better program?

Chippy - I'll check those forums and ta for letting me add to you my friends list there!

Ice104 - *laughs* yeah the mellow songs aren't everyone's cup of tea. I had someone from a rock band ask me to sing for them and then asked if they had listened to my work.. kinda put the rest of the band off the idea I guess but he was a gent and offered to collaborate.

Dr. Bennett - I look forward to hearing from you about your ideas on how best to record the music and have replied to your mail.

Take care all


#113686 by FunkDealer
Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:50 am
I think it is good. Do not be shy, dive in wholeheartedly and you will rock the house, I promise.

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