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Topics specific to the localities in America.

Moderators: bandmixmod1, jimmy990, spikedace

#289099 by catfur
Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:14 am
Your local Public Broadcast Station in and Ethan Bortnick have partnered up for a new talent TV show called Celebration of Music. This is a great opportunity for local artists to showcase their talent on tv and support local arts. There is no cost to enter or participate.

We are looking for all acts/genres (bands, soloists, duets, choirs, instrumentalists, a cappella, and even dancers) age 4-25 years old are welcome to audition. While we cannot guarantee that you/your client will be picked for the National TV version of the show, we truly believe that they should apply/fill out the form for the creative producers to consider.

Current Cities:
North Dakota (Praire Public) - PBS Television Station
South Dakota (SDPB) - PBS Television Station
Houston, TX (Virtual Only)
Tallahassee, FL (WFSU) - Televised
Austin, MN (KSMQ) - Televised
Duluth, MN (WDSE) - Televised
Troy, NY - Televised
Minneapolis, MN
Scranton, PA

The show will star PBS national artist, Ethan Bortnick, a piano prodigy who has been featured on countless national television shows like Oprah and Leno and raised millions of dollars to support local charities and the arts.

Ethan will be advising and judging the talent, asking questions and sharing his experiences on PBS. Once the contestants are picked, they will be given an online presence on our website and there will be online voting to see who wins. We will air the videos you send in on your local Public Broadcast Channel for thousands of people to see in your area.

Then, all contestants will come to Ethan's live concert where the winner is announced. All contestants will get to perform a group number with Ethan at his concert. The winner will get to perform a solo and go on to record a single or video with Ethan. They will also perform on the National Television show - Celebration of Music in Los Angeles, California, which will be taped for the entire country to watch on PBS! If you have any questions, please email me.
Auditions will close at mid July or when we have enough contestants. **This is not filmed in studio, we will be airing the videos you send in on your local Public Television channel. Below are some links and we wish you good luck!

It's an ONLINE audition here is the link:

(please put Catherine when it asks producer name) Make sure you share a URL of a video clip of you performing. You can share as many links as you like the more the better. If you are under 18 years of age obtain your parents permission.
About Ethan Bortnick

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