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Topics specific to the localities in America.

Moderators: bandmixmod1, jimmy990, spikedace

#284250 by NoDepression
Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:36 am
Hi, you can start by hitting the open mic nights at various venues and see if you can find like-minded musicians and songwriters.

You can also go to the local colleges that have a school of music and post a flyer on their bulletin boards.

Local music shops that have bulletin boards are another option.

I'm not in Dayton and I don't know how the local Craigslist is in your area but if it's anything like mine down here in Louisville it may or may not be worth your time.

Hope this helps and best of luck,
#284259 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:02 pm
Yes, open mics - at non-bar places. Coffee houses, etc, where people actually listen to the music being played.

The reason you see ads for people doing cover songs is that's where the guaranteed gigging money is. That sucks, but is a fact. Bands doing originals are playing for tips/nothing when starting out - until you establish a solid following, no venue wants to pay you living wages, because they don't see a return on their investment.
#284292 by Vampier
Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:14 pm
Why ?????? $$$$$$$$$$$$ Materialism $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Greed $$$$$$$$$ .... lack of Real musicians who are truly Artists and create their "Art" regardless of wealth, materialism and Fame. They do it because they have to and could care less about anything else. They are a Dying Breed and becoming increasingly rare. Most are older and more in touch with the Realities of Life and Spiritual to some extent. Good Luck.
#284294 by Planetguy
Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:39 pm
not everyone who plays commercial music is to be looked down upon.

for many... musicians who might like to solely produce "art"by playing the music that's near and dear to them.....there IS the practical component of trying to make a buck to put food on the table, gas in the car, and to pay their bills.

i'm lucky as i get to pursue my "art" playing in a jazz band AND playing commercial music in a house band that provides a steady and regular income.

If i could do only one...i'd choose the former but I also take a certain satisfaction and yes, a certain workman's pride in being a "working musician" capable of playing what's needed on more "commercial" gigs.

good luck. and don't give up pursuing your dreams.
#284332 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:42 pm
peter1268305 wrote:That is the problem everywhere. Most musicians can’t write and or would rather get the instant gratification of playing covers.

BS on that. As PG said, it's about putting food on the table. The musicians I know playing original music at gigs are either 1) established, or 2) doing it for little pay - and playing regular cover song gigs to make money.
#287234 by Mordgeld
Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:25 pm
I see a couple of sides to this. I have a core set of originals in the project I'm in but I like to throw in a few covers relevant to the audience at hand. I feel that it gives them a grip on what we are doing, as it were, and lends credibility to us as musicians. Covers familiar to the audience creates that shared musical connection just like when you listen to your favorite tunes with friends. The other side of this is that there are a fair amount of people (at least in my area) that can't or won't learn any covers because that would exceed either their work ethic or ability. I'll concede that I'd rather hear a well executed original set than a piss-poor cover set. Original musicians often don't want to be a part of something that isn't exactly what they want. It is also hard to find people offering writing that is more than just retreads of whatever the popular song styles of the day are. I get what peter1268305 is saying about instant gratification. But many may realize that being relevant tomorrow doesn't always mean being recognized today.
#287244 by MikeTalbot
Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:41 am
Dayton Oh. may not be the place for that. LA, NYC and Nashville might be more like it. But that involves a total commitment. I've played originals in both worlds, but in the Daytons of the world I often announced them as by "popular band of the day" to keep club owners and losers from being annoyed.

Your other option? Become a band leader and tell your peeps "here are the songs we're fixin' to play." You better have some mojo going if you take that route. But why not eh?

#287269 by Cenlaguitarplayer
Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:06 pm
Original wont get booked around here. You can only sneak in a few originals while playing covers. Truth is, nobody is really as interested as you think in your originals. Thats no being ugly, thats just the cold hard truth. WE as musicians think our stuff is great,..but honestly,..99% of the listening audience in a club setting could give a crap about our originals. Just the way the biz is. Now once you get fairly large and well know playing some 2000 seater good venues, might get a better audience. But a band thats just getting together, trying to do originals,...doomed to failure. At least thats been my experience in 30 years of playing clubs.
#287305 by Ancient Vegan
Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:48 pm
I've heard they're on the West coast of New Zealand.

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