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Is this working?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:24 am
by Mike_krunch
Is this bamdmix sight actually helping anyone? I put in a search for bands seeking lead guitar and i find bands seeking drummers wtf? People dont respond, messages go unread, people want you to message them on their private email. Im starting to remember why i left the scene. Musicians are flakey people.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:46 pm
by Mordgeld
It was helping me but the musician I found through it flaked after not showing up for a while and assuring us he would be back. :roll: I'm trying another this weekend. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. Whatever avenue I use to bring in musicians, well, they are still musicians. Talented and reliable are often not the same person.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:15 pm
by Mike_krunch
Mordgeld wrote:It was helping me but the musician I found through it flaked after not showing up for a while and assuring us he would be back. :roll: I'm trying another this weekend. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. Whatever avenue I use to bring in musicians, well, they are still musicians. Talented and reliable are often not the same person.

Yes I guess I'm asking for too much. smh

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:41 pm
by Mordgeld
Just a little follow-up on how it is working. That person I scheduled cancelled at the last minute. That was the second time they did that. Scheduled someone different in from a different source. They cancelled a few hours before they were supposed to come in. I'll give them one more chance this next weekend. I guess rowing through all the no-response or no-shows is the price of finding a good musician. You are only asking too much if you don't have the proper expectations of musicians in general. I'm just going to hit up some open mic nights with the acoustic guitar and raise my profile a bit. They'll put us on booked nights if we don't suck and that will be fun to do until we can round out the line-up for bigger stage shows.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 12:57 pm
by schmedidiah
I went to a gas station once and they were out of gasoline. I guess I should have found a different place to get that stuff. gas stations obviously don't work. :roll:


Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:20 pm
by Mordgeld
You guys are too funny. I've had better luck with gas at gas stations than women at bars but gasoline is more predictable and less expensive. This other person that cancelled, I did schedule in this last weekend. She showed up right on time(!), demonstrated reasonable ability, and was excited about what we were doing. It looks like we can use her for stage but she might need a little work on her technique with traditional percussive instruments (African, south American, etc.) for the unplugged gigs.

So if I count the person that worked for a while and then bailed I've gotten a total of 1 person from BM to show up and work with us. This new person I did not find on BM but I will still keep my antenna up here just in case. If nothing else, maybe I can provide this thread with the amusement it deserves.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:55 pm
by schmedidiah
BM needs to lower the price from whatever it is for a month to make that cover a year. I would gladly pay that. a lot of other freeloaders would too. then more members would have some skin in the game. currently the place is set up like a 5 star resort next to a tent city that dwarfs it in size by about a hundred times. won't work that way.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:44 pm
by Mordgeld
Yeah, I hear you shmed. I don't really feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of it for what it costs. I don't feel like it really connects me to the other local musicians or my local scene in any meaningful way. I'd rather they went somewhere between such as in decrease the cost some but also add some features to encourage involvement. I like to network with other musicians/bands and that just isn't really happening except for somewhat here on the free forum. I'll probably give up the paid account in a couple of months and mostly advertise for musicians elsewhere if nothing changes.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:55 am
by E Post
This site does work, hun. I got really lucky on here this last round of searching for a drummer who could handle what we do musically! I'm a happy camper! It took him almost a month to respond, but... he is the best drummer I have heard in the large area we are in & I have seen every one of the highest paid, biggest booking bands in our area. We are now being booked at the same venues as they are booked. Now... I'm having fun searching for a trumpet playing, rhythm guitar or keyboard playing harmonizing & singing male to complete the lineup. I'm hoping I'll find my counterpart soon! That's a much tougher search! Best of luck to you! BTW... I've also use Craigslist, but you have to know how to place an ad that will keep away the less talented musicians... or that will simply attract the very specific musical type that you are interested in. I hop this helps.

Re: Is this working?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:40 pm
by Ahes Kolly
Yeah. I thing its working. I didn't test yet. But some of my friends are saying thats good. I will try soon. Thanks