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#163799 by AyrTrayn
Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:47 pm
With all the topics on Bass Players I thought it would be interesting to hear what musicians (bands) expect, desire, Require.

I've played with many bands over the years and found a startling admission from a very good Bluegrass Banjo picker that didn't care what notes the bass was playing as long as the bassists timing was good.

Then there's the country band a Bassist friend of mine did a short stint in that expected him to Hotdog more (playing above the 5th fret)

I think it's a myth guitar players make good Bass players, but Bass Players make good lead players.

Depending on what the makeup of the band is. Mine have almost always been three piece Bass, Guitar, Drums. The bass has to keep a constant sustained sound especially during lead breaks. To use an art practice of covering a raw canvas with paint. This is essential for me when playing live. Syncopation allows for more staccato bass part at times. When playing with larger groups bass is expected to stay in lower octaves. I don't like slapping. I am Guitarist, not a Bass Player so don't take offense Bass Players.
Whats your idea of a bass player?

#163813 by MikeTalbot
Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:28 am
I'm a bass player currently playing lead. Much of my professional life was in three piece outfits. As a part time player I've been all over the place.

What I like in a bass player is how I play. It's not for everyone and doesn't always work in larger groupings. I have to cut back a lot when a keyboard is present or a second guitar.

Basically, I think the bass man should pull duty like Jack Bruce, Entwistle or that fellow in Ten Years After. There are other ways of doing it but that to me should be the default. When Jack Bruce played with Lou Reed he still put the bass out front and punched the music forward.

There is a bass part in 'So Long MaryAnne' by a lou reed-ish folk singer called Leonard Cohen which explains what I'm driving at. Very energetic with out overwhelming the acoustic guitar sound or the vocal. And note that energetic does not link one to one with volume.

Volume is something that should considered and addressed according to a plan, just like a chord chart. Some outfits like a really loud agressive sound with a throbbing bass, some like it toned down - but all realize that we must play at least as loud as the drummer to have any mix at all.

It's funny though, sometimes I had the most fun playing some simple rythym thing. Bass is not a four stringed guitar. I change when I pick up my bass.

Playing guitar has me rethinking my role as a bass man (still my default).
I'm not sure were this will take me - I'm actually considering picking up a P-Bass instead of my 5 string bone crusher. The one thing I count on is that it will be fun.

I don't know if that answers your question but it's an attempt.


#163836 by feeling good
Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:00 pm
I think a bass player should be able to help hold everything together. I've played with bass players that could cord and harmonize very well that could fill in keyboard parts that sounded very well. I had a friend that would come out and play the theme from the peanuts on his bass that would impress the audience. But a bass player can play lead look at Steve Harris he would follow a lot of what the lead guitar player was doing.

#163842 by AirViking
Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:20 pm
Pretty curious on this myself

#163866 by fisherman bob
Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:52 am

#164702 by RGMixProject
Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:51 pm
Way to funny

Bass player available for PAYING GIGS ONLY. I play G, C, D. If your songs are not in G, please transpose them into G. If your song has an Em or Bm or anything off the wall I will probably sit out that chord. Or I could learn those notes for $30 each. If you want me to do fancy stuff like go back and forth between G and D while you hold a G chord, forget it because I'm a "pocket" player. Minimum $100 per gig within a 5 mile radius of 39202. $5 per mile travel charge for other areas out of town. Please make sure your gigs are on a JATRAN bus route, or you can pick me up at my place. Must be home by 11pm due to previous legal hassles. No gigs within 500 yards of schools, parks, or playgrounds.

? Location: Jackson
?it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2835203944

#164714 by PaperDog
Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:38 pm
What do I look for in a Bassist... That's easy... I look for musicianship..

#164734 by MikeTalbot
Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:37 pm

I know a bass player like that if you need one. Caveat - he does insist that you provide gear so he can avoid the hassle of packing it.


#164740 by gbheil
Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:20 pm
Same things I look for in anyone whom must equally shoulder the burdens as well as share in the joys of being in a band of brothers,.

Nothing less ... nothing more.

#164962 by BassBastard
Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:17 pm
Every band I have been in, has demanded different things of me as a bassist, so this topic about covers it. Having played everything from Jazz Fusion to Death metal, it has always come down to filling in the needs of the group.

And plant your foundation in the pocket with the drummer. From there weave your way into the melody and rhythm.

#165114 by AyrTrayn
Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:26 pm
My original Idea with post was for bands to let Bass players see what bands wanted and I'm sure a few bass players are reading it.

No one has mentioned gear some younger players should realize bass amps ain't cheap and it takes a lot of power to compete with a loud drummer or a guitarist with a small guitar amp.

Ivan uses a 1-15 , 4-10 stack with a Crown Power Amp with an Art tube preamp eq

#165118 by jimmydanger
Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:41 pm
A pulse?

#165137 by AyrTrayn
Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:10 pm
jimmydanger wrote:A pulse?

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