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#245760 by danny1080707
Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:44 am
Social Security Disability Lawyer

Usually,most social security disability claims are rejected at the initial claim level as well as the reconsideration level.However,statistically,claimants represented by a social security disability lawyer have a higher chance of their claims being accepted at the initial claim level.Based on this, if your claim is rejected, you really have two choices. You can either opt to square it out in front of a judge who is responsible for deciding whether or not you receive disability benefits and you can attempt to defend your disability claims on your own. Unfortunately,unless you have a legal background,the chances of building a successful defense are usually very low.That being said,your second choice is to opt to using a qualified and experienced social security disability lawyer.

What Is a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Asocial security disability lawyer is a qualified lawyer which specializes in handling disability cases.A social security disability lawyer will develop a disability case on the claimant’s behalf before the hearing date and in order to do this, they will need to access the claimant’s medical records. In addition, the lawyer might need to interview the relevant doctors in order to seal any loopholes or ambiguities which may decrease one’s chances of winning a disability case.

Can You Still Win a Disability Case Without Using a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Well, to be perfectly honest, yes you can.Actually, there are some individuals who have won cases without using a lawyer, but this seldom happens.The truth is,if you don’t use a social security disability lawyer to present your case,you are more likely to lose the case since you could skip an important detail when developing your case.
Using a social security disability lawyer has its perks, chief among them being the fact that the odds of winning the case are stacked in your favor since this is what the lawyer is qualified to do. Added to this, a social security disability lawyer is in a better position to argue for better back pay and to ensure they extract the maximum disability benefits.

Parting Shot

The importance of a social security disability lawyer cannot be overlooked. Living with a disability is hard enough so make sure to invest your time in finding a lawyer who understands your needs, both financially and emotionally.

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