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Have you ever had a moment in time when you thought you were great or awe inspiring?

#231132 by Starfish Scott
Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:23 pm
So I was arguing with this woman earlier and she got mad and hit me with a really good verbal shot I had not previously heard before. (and I have heard a few by now...)

She was arguing about something and all of a sudden she stops and switches gears. (I shuddered)

She pauses for a sec and says really slowly, "have you ever had a moment in time where you thought you were truly great and/or awe inspiring"?
And then she shakes her head slowly from side to side and goes "any moment at all, in time, anything".

I just shrugged and calmly stated that "the other night when she was speaking in foreign tongues whilst we were in the middle of the throes of love, that was probably the closest I've been, sugar". And she let me off with a hmppff and the noise of her sucking her teeth like a tiger trying to remove a piece of meat from between her teeth.

But the truth is that the question is a "little burr under the saddle", so to speak. It makes me think. It makes me want to re-evaluate and be able to quantify that distinctly and put that question to rest, as I can't really answer that quickly and concisely. It's an irritation.

I have fun, I do what I do. I don't worry about it too much.
I kind of think "it's not a thing". As in "All the world is a stage and be are but actor's bleh.. ... hakespeare

And "Great"? What is that really? When you have a really stellar show, were you "great" there for a sec? Or is it more? Is it just another delusional question that people evade to keep their soul whole for yet at least 1 more show?

When you write that one tune, were you "great" for a fleeting moment?
When you wrote the cd? Maybe your last performance?

Or is it like the you must sell 1,000,00 copies to be great like Elvis et cetera?

I think that "great" is relative to who you are and what you are doing. I.E. Different people achieve different forms of "great" depending on who they are but maybe that's an excuse.

What do you think>?

(I think I am going to kick her when she sleeps tonight/stick my knee in her back. Muahhahahaaaa "Gee honey, I have no idea where you got that shiner, but it's a doozy". lol)

#231144 by gbheil
Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:33 am
Eh . . . just do music . . . :wink:

#231153 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:53 pm
"I think that "great" is relative to who you are and what you are doing. I.E. Different people achieve different forms of "great" depending on who they are but maybe that's an excuse."

Yup, that sums it up.

I had one moment a few years ago, sharing the stage with some friends where everything just hit it right. No, the sound was not great (3 singers trying to share a 2nd mic, but the audience was into it as much as we were. It just felt 'great'.

#231209 by Starfish Scott
Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:57 am
Yeah to me "Great" was never a part of it.

You just do what you do and don't worry about "petting the sweaty stuff".

She apologized to me this am and my toe is aching like crazy.
"I must have sleepwalked last night".. lol .. or that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
#238783 by 1seoin
Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:50 am
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#238789 by schmedidiah
Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:15 pm
Why should I tap that link, much less utilize your "services", if you can't be bothered to write in English, with proper grammar and punctuation? Hi from Phoenix, btw! :lol:
#238790 by Badstrat
Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:50 pm
Consider myself great? That's ridiculous. All I have to do is even consider the skill of some of the musicians in this town, let alone those I have met on the Internet, and it keeps everything into perspective.
#238797 by MikeTalbot
Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:11 pm
Maybe 'great' refers to that magic moment when you are playing with people who really connect and your audience is on it and you go into that wonderful 'zone' we don't get to visit nearly often enough? It certainly feels, well, great! 8)

#245682 by Starfish Scott
Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:12 pm
That's pretty much the deal. The night when you and the people you are currently playing with really hit the nail on the head. That's the closest some get to "great", probably closest for SF as well. (shh he's touchy)

PS: This ain't Scotter, so don't get "all up in it". He's just kind enough to let me use his login. (I am/was curious about this site and was/am considering joining but don't wanna spend-spend $ I could be using on a new set of drums.)

(I complimented him on his performance the other night and he was like butter in my paws. He just picked up an Andromeda A6 (sp?) that's he's got running in conjunction with his old K2600 and he rekt it, as in he left them with their mouths open, jaw dragging. Idk what kind of guitarist he once was, but he's a freak on the keys and worse if you have something really-really strange going on, he's def on point. (He loves that doors type thing.) Weird dude though, mega weird, writes too weird me as well...needs to rein it in a bit and kind of cocky for a keys player. Is everyone in NJ this odd ? (no ffense but sometimes is very difficult to work with and yet when there is a problem, he's at his best. It's a love hate relationship, as in ya hate when he's pissy, but when he's performing, he's really tearing up the sidewalk.. ) (He don't read this anymore, so we're safe for now.. LMAO)
#245683 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:38 pm
I'm surprised at the responses to this. Thought I knew you guys better...

I think Jimmy is great. I think Jeff is great. I think Planetguy is great. Vinny might be...he's certainly creative with his photo responses. I'm certainly leaving out a few people only because I haven't heard them.

The way I see things, if it ain't great, it ain't worth time & energy. Greatness can be achieved on a local, regional, national, or international level every time you strum or sing. Mediocrity is a surrender to the lazy angels of our nature.

For me, every day of life IS the big time, not a dress rehearsal. The only pressure should be in doing the best you can every day. Do that with enough energy/enthusiasm over many days and it will effortlessly become "great" and eventually you make it look easy.

The great are never satisfied with how things are....always striving for more, and ticking off everyone who doesn't work as hard.
#245691 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:59 pm
MikeTalbot wrote:Maybe 'great' refers to that magic moment when you are playing with people who really connect and your audience is on it and you go into that wonderful 'zone' we don't get to visit nearly often enough? It certainly feels, well, great! 8)


Hey Talbot....i mentioned, when I was with you a few days ago, an Israeli friend of mine (we tour together for a few months at a time) who was working on a zombie video with some people in Atlanta.

Turns out he is (near) Atlanta tonight to show that video in a film festival. You should go say "shalomski"to Jeremiah in Athens, and tell him I sent you.

The Sprockets Music Video Festival is TONIGHT (July 24 at 9PM)
40 Watt Club
285 W Washington St, Athens, Georgia 30601

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