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#122072 by Ben1977
Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:30 am
i have a torque t100bx and t65k guitar amp
crate b80xl bass amp
marshall g30 guitar
and peavey kb 30 a mic/keyboards/acoustic guitar

this is perfect for a start up band, all pro gear, if interested, no bartering, this is the absolute minimum i can go.

#122109 by Starfish Scott
Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:52 pm
Make sure you post to every forum, you jackass.

And no location? get real.

You list the USA but asking for English pounds?

Come on, either get with the program or forget it.

I am prosecuting someone right now in MN for the same kind of nonsense.

Just because it's the internet, don't think you are getting away with anything.
You just end up finding out the hard way.

You need to be from Nigeria et al to pull this off.

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