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#210503 by matt522936
Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:36 pm
Yes, I'm new here, and yes, ...but I'm not a spammer. I'm an entertainment director for a live-streaming video service. I'm hoping to find talented working musicians and passionate fans to build a network of real, live webcasts available for like-minded fans in other parts of the world. It's a way for performers to expand their audience and income on the road, and a way for fans to network and see live shows to far to get to in person.

I'll save the links and whatnot for now. It could be a boon to working road musicians and their fans, and we need serious people to try it prior to the official launch. I'll save the links and whatnot for the moment, but don't hesitate to reply or hit me up privately if you're looking for new live music opportunities!

#210512 by Planetguy
Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:43 pm
ok..i'll play.

so, what does your service have to offer that isn't already available for free to bands posting video and free to viewers...ala youtube and other free hosting sites?'s streaming LIVE. i get that. but if you're not there to experience a band at a club in person.... does it really matter to anyone whether you're watching a performance on your computer screen streamed "live"... or a live performance that was videotaped last week?

is there really all that much of a difference for the viewer????

Last edited by Planetguy on Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

#210514 by Kramerguy
Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:45 pm
His goes to 11.

#210515 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:49 pm
We just had someone else trying to promote the same kind of 'live web concert' thing. I'm guessing the thread got deleted, as I could not find it with a quick search.
What's in it for the person here (let alone the place doing this)? In these days of free videos (youtube, vimeo) and unlimited easy-to copy downloads, why would anyone pay to watch a concert/broadcast stream of artists they don't know?

#210526 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:14 pm
The Rolling Stones had one concert in the USA for their newest project, but you could buy a ticket to watch it "live" on your cell phone for about $5 (I think?)

It may be that is what they are trying to do, but don't want the embarressment of failure with a major star...and therefore "less than major" star will be their test market for the technical aspects. But it could also be that this will expand to include anyone who thinks they can sell a broadcast.

I see this as the way concerts are going in the future. With the cost of touring not being supported by major label budgets, bands will be forced to find a way to fund their tours in other ways.

If you can get friends/fans/family to buy a "ticket" to a live-stream concert that you're holding in Des Moines Iowa, it could bring in an extra $6 or so...


Ok, I am interested in this...but the guy failed to realize that we have no way to "hit him up" without some contact information.

Seems like someone with an innovative marketing concept would understand the first rule of marketing.

Hello????? I'd like to know more.


#210529 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:21 pm
Sure, people will pay to see a live stream of a band they like (or their cousin Larry's band), but they are not going to pay to surf a site of live streams from unknowns (to them).

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