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All things Keys.

Moderators: bandmixmod1, jimmy990, spikedace

#278631 by lenmeister
Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:23 pm
In the process of writing and arranging an album of 12/13 songs that contain lots of Funk, Rock and Acid Jazz influences. About 75 percent of writing done. Material is built so that the songs/arrangements can shine when played live, which means you are a keyboard player who knows what bringing your A-game all the time is. Live portion of recording to begin very soon; some tracks already done and close to completion but needs REAL keys (I only pretend to be one :D ). Need someone who is very comfortable with Rhodes style playing and Funk Synths as well as modern DJ inspired filtering techniques on Subtractive Synths. No, this is not a "Reason" gig. If you feel you can musically hang with other musicians who are at the top of their games, then this is the ideal time for you to buy into this project, because, with or without you; THIS PROJECT WILL BE HEARD, AND HEARD BY MANY! :) Yes I AM serious! :mrgreen:

Harmonic content is grounded in early R&B ala Leon Ware and rhythmically; exciting, syncopated and challenging. Vocally, melodies are hook oriented, and lyrics geared towards 18+ audience. Think Jamiroquai/Incognito meets EW&F (Earth, Wind & Fire) with a newer twist.

If you're in the NYC area, then this is ideal for you. Not yet a paying gig since this project is currently privately-funded but will be released through an indie label.

PS: The vocalist slated to complete the project may not be able to, so we're also looking at options.

Thank you for reading!

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