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Drums and Accessories.

Moderators: bandmixmod1, jimmy990, spikedace

#32499 by Charlie Nickrenz
Tue May 27, 2008 8:56 pm
Just retired my 1984 vintage Quartz Grey Yamaha Recording Custom kit. 10 X 10, 12 X 10, 14 X14 floor, 22 X16 kick. They have been around the country. There are scratches. They sound great. No hardware, just FT legs, some clamps and tom mounts. RIMS and Ludwig mounts. No shipping, I could deliver in the Sacramento area. You can see the drums at Soundcheck Music (the new location) in Grass Valley. 530-272-7236. I'll get some more pix on my profile page. The recordings there (such as they are) were all done on those drums.
Asking $700.00
nickrenz 51 at yahoodotcom
530-613-9330 messages
BTW - new kit: Gretsch Renown Euro Cherry wood. Sweet, well-balanced, well-outfitted kit, lovely snare, way beyond other budget shell packs. EZ tuning and Mic up like a dream.
Thanks - Charlie

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