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Let your thoughts be heard about the latest news and gossip in the music world.

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#187788 by Galileo
Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:29 pm

Do you have the same goal as me?

To work real hard to get your music embraced and enjoyed by music lovers the world over.. whether performed by myself or other artists.. lets say Rihanna.. Muse.. or maybe placed via a publicist into.. Dr Who or the next Avengers Movie?


Lets crack our heads together and create something special then!...some of my stuff:

I'm the kinda guy who'll calmly sit down with you in a studio/
garage/ rehearsal room
with a pen/
guitar/guitarist or whichever type of talented fellow joins us that day and remain focused on creating a brilliant song! I love collaborating! I'm not charging either.. free brain power here, take advantage! (for a limited time only folks)

I write, produce, rap, sing and love crafting songs for other voices.

I'm currently working with a three unsigned acts with one or two nearing deal status. I still have free time though and don't want it to go to waste.  
So like i said and will reiterate again… I like to create songs and collaborate with upcoming talent so if you are looking for a writing buddy let me know. I can also do lead or backing vocals.


I have a home studio setup and have a few good studio links so finding space to record shouldn't be too hard.

Message me and lets sort something out.


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