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#86040 by RhythmMan
Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:13 pm
I just heard this. And body else hear about it?
"Several states have proposed a bill that would make it a felony to sell your own music online, if you don't report it on your taxes.
However, some states have refused to consider passing this law. States like Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota and South Dakota do not wish to prosecute a failure to report personal music sales as a felony.
Some people believe this is not a big deal, while others believe that people who sell music online without reporting it are no better than music piracy advocates, and should be treated as felons."

#86044 by Starfish Scott
Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:32 pm
a felony>?

wow, like assault and battery, felony? Or Grand Theft Auto?

WHAT the hell are THEY thinking?

#86046 by gbheil
Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:42 pm
Tax evasion on any form of income can be prosecuted as a felony.
It is simple enough to track and report on your income tax form.
I have done this for years on the income I earned as a Martial Arts instructor.
The way I see it. Tax all income including the Church equally.
Or tax no income at all and tax only on purchases (sales tax).
The only equitable tax is a universal sales tax.
The county would tax me for every matt pad and pair of boxing gloves in my gym. Yet would defer millions of dollars of taxes for corporations.
The tea is not what we need to be throwing overboard.

#86083 by Starfish Scott
Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:31 pm
They can kiss the

I feel like we are in the "Taxation without representation" zone.

#86085 by philbymon
Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:54 pm
More ridiculousness from our fair gov't.

I s'pose they'd arrest me even though my music was sold without my permission, eh? Never DID get any money out of that...

No profit - no taxes will be paid.

#86119 by RhythmMan
Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:41 pm
Out of 1000 musicians selling their music online; wonder how many of them earn even $100 a year?
I'm sure a lot of them are lucky to earn enough money to fill their gas tanks twice . . .
Guess they never heard the phrase 'starving musician;' or, more likely; they don't give a damn about us . . . just wanna steal our money, and then buy whatever they damned well please . . .
But, geez, guys, they NEED the money for that new museum they want to build - in their home town (so they'll get re-elected, next year).
The same politicians that advocate this policy almost certainly have hundreds of thousands of dollars of their personal assets hidden . . .
Dunno about you guys, but I'd kinda like to at least break even.
I think if they want money to open a new park in their home town or something, that they should look elsewhere.

#86127 by gbheil
Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:26 pm
I can certainly agree with that Alan.
I got a nice little E mail today from my State (lack of) Representative.
If I suddenly disappear from BandMix, you will know he got my response.

#92851 by Southernboy
Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:17 am
a felony is a felony means you could no longer own even a long gun!!
I see a swastcka in our future! Damn shame ever WWII vet I know thinks this country`s going to hell in a hand basket!! For it is!!

#93197 by fisherman bob
Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:29 pm
I've got a better idea. Go ahead and tax people on selling music online. Also those people selling music online can deduct ALL their expenses: music equipment, Computer purchases and accessories, internet charges (like Bandmix premium membership, etc.), gas to and from gigs, the percent of your utility bill to power your amps and computers, clothing you purchase to wear at gigs, food and drinks you purchase at gigs (I can deduct the cost of business lunches), EVERYTHING related to running your music business be allowed to be deducted, just like EVERYTHING we can deduct in the running of any business. Music is a business. If the feds want to tax our meager online music sales, LET"S EMBARASS THE SH*T OUT OF THEM AND CLAIM EVERY DEDUCTION WE CAN. I guarantee the feds will LOSE MONEY ON THAT DEAL AND THEY WILL THEN LEAVE US ALONE....

#93212 by Gary_Goldstien192
Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:38 am
How I personally see it, There is no such thing as income anymore, so they can tax whatever they want, it's their fake money, if we all went back to barter, they couldn't tax anything, ANYTHING.

The only real money in this country is gold and silver, and the nazis running this country have already made it illegal to use Gold as currency. So if you truly believe in the free arts, just make sure it all your money is claimed as chairty, not for profit. Only those strong enough to tell the retards who think they're running this country to go f**k themselves in a very polite way will survive, and living as a charity, or church, you can't be taxed for anything. Just think about it. We're all free Sovereign Individuals, and its our all capitol letter name they're taxing, our "strawman", middle man for the nazi government we live in. Other wise we couldn't use the fake "money" they give us. SO as long as you claim him as a charity, you'll be safe from any tax they impose on us.

#93267 by fisherman bob
Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:24 am
I just heard that the bank bailout is going to be done with 200 billion dollars left over. That's 200 billion of OUR money. They are already talking about using that extra money to create a jobs program or reduce the national deficit. UNBELIEVABLE!!! What they need to do is send 100% of that money BACK TO THE TAXPAYERS, either as a stimulus check or tax credit. Many of the banks that received the bailout money have not freed up credit like they were supposed to. One of my credit cards reduced my credit line. The opposite was supposed to happen. I WANT A CHECK FROM UNCLE SAM, PRONTO.

#93274 by DavidSpencerMarsh
Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:10 am
Just pay the taxes and Uncle Sam will be pleased. You're not just giving the money to the're helping humanity.

#93302 by gbheil
Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:52 pm
LOL, Oh sorry was that out loud?

#93304 by fisherman bob
Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:19 pm
DavidSpencerMarsh wrote:Just pay the taxes and Uncle Sam will be pleased. You're not just giving the money to the're helping humanity.
Giving is the inoperative word. Donating is a more appropriate word. We are donating money to an organization that is incompetent, corrupt, and in some cases downright evil. It BURNS ME UP to think that some of my hard earned money was used to promote artistic displays like putting a cross in urine (national endowment for the arts), or paying millionaire executives huge bonuses (AIG bailout) or untold millions for this bogus Copenhagen meeting. OUr government over many, many years has misappropriated untold billions of dollars (money originally intended to rebuild levees in New Orleans was used to build restaurants instead). I dream of the day when every penny of my hard earned money is accounted for in projects that have a direct benefit to ME. Yes, I'm a selfish SOB who wants REAL ACCOUNTABILITY where virtually none exists...

#93307 by gbheil
Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:39 am
Our monthly "donation" would make my home mortgage my shop mortgage and both of our (my wife and I) car payments for the month.
In three months I could pay off all my credit cards and loans I took to help my kids get through college and buy their first homes.
In five years I could live totally debt free.

When all that was done just think of how many peoples jobs would benefit directly from my buying thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment and studio time. :D

Wake the heck up George !!
Whew, that was almost a wet dream. :lol:

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